The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

By Joseph Murphy
This book is designed to teach us about the power of habitual thinking and mental imagery. As we think subconsciously, we create our experiences. It is the subconscious mind that fashions and creates our reality. Filled with practical examples of how to overcome what you don't know you are thinking, we will explore and expand the concepts of Mental Equivalents.

We will explore this text for three weeks.

Please Note: The cost of the books is NOT included in membership or a la carte fees. It is your responsibility to track down and purchase the book required for each study session.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (Course Only)


Purchase single courses at $19/week

This course will be offered for 3 weeks starting 05/07/2022 and includes: Single course purchase provides:

  • Replay links
  • Worksheets
  • A link to purchase the book

Please Note: A la carte attendees will receive a link to the session replay, not live access.

FYIIf you think you'll want to experience more than 1-2 courses...

Consider the Spiritual Study Sanctuary Membership for the Best Deal!!